Tuesday, August 4, 2009

He's just not that into me/you...and that's O freakin K cause in abt 10 min the next guy will be:)

Patience....Patience...Patience is all I hear when It comes to men. I hate being patient, It pisses me off! why can't people just tell you how they feel and that's it, why does it always have to be a game of cat and mouse? Why can't I just be a mind reader?

Day after day women ( and by women I mean me:) over analyze and over think every gesture phrase or body movement a man they are interested in makes and they really shouldn't bother.

New rule if a guy sticks his tongue down your throat and keeps asking you out he likes you and if he doesnt he doesn't...but as a gender we really need to stop stressin over it because what they say is really true, "men our lk buses, there's a new one every fifteen minutes, and if u have really big boobs they come every 5.;)

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